sábado, 30 de novembro de 2019

Osculum obscenum

Hey baby
Kiss the goat
Kiss kiss kiss the go goat

you've been playing
around with magic that is black
but all of the powerful magical mysteries never gave a single thing back

you've been daddied
by all the dudes that wanna dad
and all those dads never gave you the things that you should've had

it ain't always what it seems, when you cling onto a dream
it ain't always there to please you (please you)
but he's the guy you wanna do, and you know that it takes two
luckily he wants to do you too

Osculum Obscenum

Hey baby
kiss the goat
kiss kiss kiss the go goat
hey baby
hey hey hey kiss the goat
kiss kiss kiss the go goat

it ain't always what it seems
that glitter wasn't gold
as opposed to what they told you (told you)
but he's the guy you wanna do, and you know that it takes two
luckily he wants to do you too

Osculum Obscenum

it ain't always what it seems, when you cling onto a dream
it ain't always there to please you (please you)
but he's the guy you wanna do, and you know that it takes two
luckily he wants to do you too

Osculum Obscenum

(in loop in my head..
there are some song that just don't let go)

quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2019

segunda-feira, 17 de junho de 2019

Like wild fire

Like Wild Fire
Come Roaring...

Decision making
read some tips about this topic
one this it is said is to follow your instinct, your gut feeling

When something gets you excited 
something you enjoy doing
even if it pays you a little bit less than what you are getting now

As in opposition 
remind yourself that you really have to go to work
you have bills to pay
no bit of excitement 
just thinking about the time out of work you will be spending

Six months have passed..still now I try to convince mayself to hold on until the end of the year

Will I succeed?

sábado, 27 de abril de 2019


Em loop.... NAHGUENTE! 😱😱😱😱

domingo, 10 de março de 2019


Andei a ler posts antigos, rever os meus antigos estados de espírito.
Mais uma vez chego à conclusão que tenho ânsias de escrita quando estou triste ou revoltada.
Desta vez nem tristenem  revoltada escrevi. Guardei para mim.

Finalmente estava num trabalho em que gostava do que fazia, das pessoas com quem trabalhava. (não a 100%, todo o sítio tem os seus podres e os seus venenos)

Guess what!? Não tive o meu contracto renovado
Também já estava numa fase em que não tinha qualquer vontade de ficar (para ficar, coisas teriam que mudar - uma delas seria o meu ordenado a aumentar - não aconteceu)

Portanto, ano novo vida nova.
Saí de turismo!

Muitos cabelos brancos me vão crescer e muito a minha paciência vai ser testada..

La ver..


After an evening listening to reviews and reactions to things and music's, I came across the following sentence:
"sometimes when I'm listening Metal songs, I get the overwhelming sense of feeling at home" 

Nothing comes close to this when the radio is on